Retiring From UNH - Planning for the Future


There are 3 types of retiree status. 对于所有三种类型, 前教员或职员必须在等于 工作10年或以上 at the time of retirement or departure from USNH active service status.

  1. 退休人员(弧) - A faculty or staff member with the Additional 退休 Contribution Plan (ARC), either by choice or by beginning employment within USNH on or after 7/1/94, and who has reached at least age 62.
  2. 退休人员(医疗福利) -在1994年7月1日之前聘用的教职员工,年龄至少达到62岁,全职工作10年或以上,参加USNH赞助的退休计划至少10年,并选择退休人员医疗保险选项而不是额外退休供款(ARC).
  3. 退休人员(港大扩建) -符合公务员退休制度要求的前香港大学外院教职员.  



All faculty/staff members who meet the qualifications of a USNH retiree (see 忙V.C.9.2 for definition) and are enrolled in a USNH medical plan prior to retirement and retire, 是否可以继续按照大学系统的指导方针进行保险,直到他们有资格获得65岁的医疗保险. 

65岁或65岁以上的配偶,在雇员退休时享受雇员的医疗计划, may continue USNH coverage but must also enroll in Medicare Part B.  医疗保险将成为他们的主要保险公司,而USNH计划将成为第二保险公司.

In order to maintain medical coverage per University System guidelines, 有效1/1/06, 退休的教职员将支付与在职雇员相同的保费供款,最长期限为三年.

For Retirees Over Age 65 with the Additional Retiree Contribution (ARC)

实施ARC捐款是为了向退休人员提供资金,以购买医疗计划补充医疗保险, which takes affect the first of the month in which a retiree attains age 65. There is no option for USNH medical coverage for faculty/staff under ARC, except for those subject to COBRA provisions.

Coverage for family members ends on the same date as coverage for an employee ends.

For Retirees Over Age 65 with the Medicare Complementary Plan (MCP)

1994年,在1994年6月30日之前雇用的符合福利条件的教职员工有机会选择额外的1%退休缴款(ARC)或医疗保险补充计划. 只有那些当时选择了医疗保险补充计划的人才有资格在退休时享受该计划. In order to meet the USNH definition of a retiree, 参与该计划的教职员工从52岁开始为该福利累积服务年数. Faculty/staff must meet all of the criteria of a retiree as defined in 忙V.C.9.2 and be participating in a USNH medical program prior to retirement.

To be eligible for continued medical coverage upon the faculty/staff member’s retirement, 符合条件和/或受抚养人的配偶必须在退休时参加雇员的医疗计划.


如果退休人员的配偶和/或家属年龄小于65岁,并且有资格在教职员工年满65岁后获得保险, 教师/工作人员将在教师/工作人员退休后最多三年支付与在职员工相同的保费.  三年之后, the faculty/staff member will contribute 50% of the total cost of the coverage.

如果退休人员去世, 配偶可以继续享受医疗保险补充计划的余生或直到再婚.

如果选择医疗保险补充计划的教职员工年龄超过52岁,至少有10年的服务,并且在服役期间或在批准的提前退休计划中死亡, 长期残疾, 或者长期工人补偿, her/his spouse is still eligible for the Medicare Complementary Plan at age 65, unless made ineligible by remarriage.

In the event a spouse of a retiree covered by the Medicare Complementary Plan dies, the retiree is not permitted to add a new spouse to the plan.


医疗保险补充计划的退休人员处方药福利计划是通过 OptumRX. A prescription card will be issued to the retiree for use at participating pharmacies. 在购买时退休人员, 或65岁或以上的配偶, will pay the pharmacy a 20% co-payment. The balance of the cost of the prescription will be billed to the USNH; no further paperwork is required.


  • 牙科保险-可通过COBRA(综合预算调节法案)购买退休后最多18个月的牙科保险. This coverage may be continued on a monthly basis for up to 18 months for the retiree, his/her spouse and dependent children. 澳门葡京网赌游戏COBRA下选择的完整信息包(包括保费支付截止日期)将发送到退休员工的家庭地址. COBRA费率信息如下 可以在这里.
  • 人寿保险-在退休生效日结束,但可以从雇员目前的usnh提供的团体政策转换.  The insurance carrier will send the employee enrollment information.
  • Disability insurance - coverage ends upon retirement.
  • Flexible Spending Accounts - Contributions to the retirees’ FSA stop at the date of retirement. Only claims incurred through the last day of employment will be eligible for reimbursement. Claims should be submitted within 90 days of termination date.
  • 个人时间/工作时间-退休的员工和财政年度教职员工将获得截至工作最后一天的累计个人时间(最多30天)或工作时间的余额. When included in the last regular pay check, 根据标准表格预扣税方法,这些补充收入与常规收入一起纳税.
  • 学费减免福利-退休教师或工作人员在退休之日后没有资格为自己或任何符合条件的家属申请学费减免计划. 离职时有效的学费减免将根据工作人员在该财政年度的工作时间按比例分配.

特别注意:   NH老年人年龄在65岁或以上的学生每学年可以参加澳门葡京网赌游戏提供的2个免学费学分课程. 教职员工可以, 然而, be required to pay certain fees 和/或 registration charges.

注意: All insurance coverage premiums and contributions are subject to change.

Other benefits offered to some retirees of UNH:

  • 退休的名誉教师和推广教育工作者将获得一张未过期的联合国儿童基金会身份证和停车许可证 


Notify the following departments in writing prior to your retirement date: your department, 校园人力资源, 以及USNH福利办公室. Faculty and PAT staff are expected to provide a minimum of 120 days, and Operating Staff are expected to provide a minimum of 60 days written notice.

  • 联系 社会保障局:

    To obtain a projection of Social Security benefits, 申请社会保障金, obtain Medicare information and enroll in Medicare A & B,如果你的年龄在65岁以上. If you plan to work past age 65, you should apply for Medicare Part A when you turn 65. You should apply for Medicare Part B when you actually retire. 你必须参加医疗保险A部分和B部分,才有资格获得医疗保险补充计划的全部覆盖. USNH福利办公室将需要您的医疗保险卡的复印件,以便纳入退休医疗计划.

  • 联系 TIAA 和/或 富达投资集团 在预计退休日期前至少三个月,直接取得退休计算及收入选择.






的检查清单 “要做的事情” 为退休做准备

  • 确保您和您的配偶/家属在您退休的那一年通过USNH获得医疗保险. Medical coverage may be added each fall during the "open enrollment" period.
  • 制定预算. 确定你的固定开支, 你需要多少钱来维持你想要的生活方式?你有什么收入来源.
  • Confirm other sources of retirement income such as prior employer-provided retirement plan, 爱尔兰共和军的, Supplemental 退休 Accounts (SRA's).
  • Consult a financial planner or use the resources available through TIAA 和/或 忠诚. Get a projection of retirement payment options.
  • 规划你的遗产. Consider a will, establishing trusts or giving gifts. Consult a financial planner or your attorney to determine what is best for your situation. Update your beneficiary designations.
  • 你将住在哪里?? 你可以考虑裁员, moving to another region of the country, 退休社区, 或者老年人住房.
  • Consider current and future medical needs. Living wills, healthcare proxy, and long term care insurance are options. 把你的病历整理好.
  • Talk to your family and loved ones about your wishes for final arrangements, 纳税记录, 保险箱, 银行账户, 债务, 应急资金, 还有其他记录.